More and more of the world's data is moving onto the Web. We want to share, re-mix and use this data to build more awesome Web applications. Using structured data technologies to mark up people, places, events, recipes, ratings, music, movies and products on the Web makes everybody's life easier. This site will help you learn about big data, the semantic web, and the practical application of technologies such as Microformats, RDFa, Microdata and JSON-LD.


The three main technologies for publishing structured data in HTML are, in order of least to most functionality, Microformats, Microdata and RDFa. All three mechanisms are supported by the major search engines. There is also an up-and-coming new format called JSON-LD, for working with this sort of data in JSON. The mailing list is another good place for people that want to learn more about Structured Data on the Web to ask questions.

The Microformats website is a good place to learn about the basics of the simplest way of publishing structured data on the Web. Microformats have been under development since 2004. The markup works in all versions of HTML and allows you to mark up basic concepts like people, places, events, recipes, and audio.
The chapter on Microdata in the Dive into HTML5 book is a good introduction to the next generation of Microformats. Microdata is the newest addition to the structured data markup technologies, created in 2009, and is supported in HTML5.
The RDFa Primer provides a brief overview of RDFa for Web authors and publishers. RDFa provides the most functionality of any of the structured data languages and has been in development since 2004. The markup works in all XML-based languages, including HTML5, XHTML1, SVG, ePub, Open Document, and any general XML language.
JSON-LD allows you to publish Structured Data and Linked Data in JSON. It allows one to extract and store data from Microformats, Microdata and RDFa in JSON.


Live Microdata
The Live Microdata Web App allows you to pick from a set of examples, or type in HTML5+Microdata markup, and immediately see the result of your markup in JSON or TURTLE output.
RDFa Live Loop
The RDFa Live Loop Website allows you to enter any RDFa 1.0 markup and see a live result of your data on the same page.
JSON-LD Playground
The JSON-LD playground is a Web App that allows you to pick from a set of JSON-LD examples, or type in JSON-LD markup, and immediately see the result of your markup in compact, expanded, normalized or framed JSON. It also supports TURTLE output.


Structured Data Linter
The Structured Data Linter can be used to check your Microdata, or RDFa input. It will provide warnings and hints if your markup is not valid.
RDFa 1.1 Shadow Distiller
The RDFa shadow distiller supports RDFa 1.0 and RDFa 1.1 input and produces output in a variety of RDF formats.
JSON-LD Playground
The JSON-LD playground processes text or URL input and will show you the data that will be extracted from your input.